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Configure moodle 3.x session handling with memcached post

This procedure has been tested on Moodle version 3.0.6+ with a dedicated memcached server which @IP:port is

Set up a memcached server

see this post.

Configure moodle

Configure session handling in config.php:

$CFG->session_handler_class = '\core\session\memcached';
$CFG->session_memcached_save_path = '';
$CFG->session_memcached_prefix = 'memc.sess.key.';
$CFG->session_memcached_acquire_lock_timeout = 120;
$CFG->session_memcached_lock_expire = 7200;       // Ignored if memcached extension <= 2.1.0


If you print out your cookie from your debug tool in your bowser, you well see a cookie named MoodleSession

In my case it has value 4gp94gr17g78jnh97a6mfml0b4

Moodle database

Now let's check if there is still record in DB for your cookie session:

SELECT * FROM mdl_sessions WHERE sid='4gp94gr17g78jnh97a6mfml0b4';


2507694 0   4gp94gr17g78jnh97a6mfml0b4  48521       1515679016  1515681908

What ??? I was expecting to have no more entries in the mdl_sessions table. After searching a little bit more, I found the explanation here:

Normally when you have sessions stored in Memcache/d there will still be a record of the session written to mdl_sessions. The session data is not written to the database, it's only written to the memcache/d server itself. The performance gain is seen because the session data is not written every page view for every user, and thus the table rows are not continually being locked and unlocked.

memcached server

Let's check if there is a key/value record for ou session:

run it:

php memcached.php | grep 4gp94gr17g78jnh97a6mfml0b4


key: memc.sess.key.4gp94gr17g78jnh97a6mfml0b4

which means that our session is written in memcached! That's ok!

Categories: memcached, moodle