linux basics: file permissions 1 - POSIX rights post
file ownership
File ownership is managed by a user owner and a group owner.
See ls -l
or ls -n
chown user:group file #change owner and group
chown user file # change only owner
chown :group file #change only group, same as chgrp command
Linux POSIX rights
POSIX is a standard.
List rights
ls -l
Type codes:
- -: file
- d: folder
- l: symlink
- p: pipe. used to make 2 programs communicate
- s: socket. used to make 2 programs communicate + network management + bidirectional
- b: block device, ie write block by block
- c: character device, ie write char by char
9 bits: 3 User + 3 Group + 3 Other
- u: for user
- g: for group
- o: for others
a: for all
+: add right
- -: remove right
=: set right
r: read. 2^2 => 4
- w: write.2^1 => 2
x: execute.2^0 => 1
chmod u+r,g-r file.txt chmod a=rwx file.txt chmod 740 file.txt
Categories: linux, linux basics